Bronson Arroyo is Hot.

(Washington Post Photo/Jonathan Newton)
That's really all I've got, and I happen to think it's plenty. Meow...
Of Bars, Booze, and Bartending - Proving "Coughlin's Law" Invalid Since Feb '05
I find myself with a stacked bar right as the doors open, and I'm not ready. I'm still cutting lemon twists, stocking juices and fetching ice.
It really bugs me when I'm watching CNN, and all of a sudden the "Just In/Breaking News" music and graphic comes on, and a serious, rather grave-looking Carol Lin appears to tell me there's a three-alarm house fire in Cleveland. Is that important, nationally? I don't think they should be scaring all of us like that, using music and graphics, for a local interest story. Made ya look!! Oy, the drama...
One of our servers called off sick tonight (smart girl), and another one didn't bother to show up at all (likely fired).
I quickly stopped hallucinating, admiring the entire spectacle, thinking it was a pure and perfectly appropriate form of national expression. When you flank yourself with wounded Iraq War Veterans (the cheapest of preemptive anti-boo tricks, if you ask me) on your walk to the mound and you still get jeered, it pretty much means America hates you. Besides, when a guy is at 19% popularity, is it really a good idea to throw him to the unwashed, unscreened masses, in the form of 25,000 Nationals fans, no less?
Shouldn't somebody be fired for that? I remember a time when this administration was more politically shrewd, and I didn't like them then, either.Now comes the news that
Dick is getting a big, fat $1.9 million tax refund. I guess we're to believe that he works hard for the money and has it coming to him or something, but, all things considered, shouldn't he let us keep the money? Just tell the IRS, "Naw, fellas, you just put that back in the coffers. There's a war on, and all!" Maybe a little more action, a little less swagger? Do thoughts such as these even cross the minds of the captains of industry? I wonder if he's a good tipper, Dick Cheney...If life was fair, they'd make Cheney throw out the first pitch at a Tigers game, next.
Now my advice for those who die
Declare the pennies on your eyes
'Cause I'm the taxman
Yeah, I'm the taxman
And you're working for no one but me
The Beatles, "Taxman"
It's been disappointing to me that I haven't had an interesting story or scenario to share recently, so I got to thinking... why is April so boring?
It's called a "Guest Book", and, to prove it, it has the words "Guest Book" emblazoned in fake gold across the leatherette binder, even though it's just window dressing to a "Say Something Nice or Complain Here in Writing" Book.
I apologize for the indulgent post, but I still have a favor to ask of diners... consider writing in the Guest Book on your way out of a restaurant when your experience sucked and you just want to leave, and especially if you've had a really, really good time and you want to make someone feel great for an hour or two.
But don't forget to tip, either.
On Edit: It's April 1st, and I thought about a prank, but the only good ones I have are the practical, in-person kind. Instead, I offer this... I'm going to a wedding today. Who gets married on April Fools Day? Is that a good idea?
I drank too much last night, got bills to pay
My head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and there'll be hell today
I'm late for work again
And even if I'm there, they'll all imply that I might not last the day
And then you call me and it's not so bad
It's not so bad and...
Dido, "Thank You"