Good Night, Barbaro

I have a soft spot in my heart for animals, especially dogs and horses. My grandfather raised trotters and pacers, and I was lucky to spend much of my youth in the company of magnificent racehorses and the colorful, "horsey" people who were devoted to them. So, it brought me great sadness this afternoon to hear that Kentucky Derby champion Barbaro had been euthanized by his caring and dedicated veterinarians.
It's my understanding that he'll be interred at his birthplace and home, the gorgeous Springmint Farm in Nicholasville, Kentucky. That suits him, to rest surrounded by rolling pastures and white fences in the heart of the Bluegrass where he was foaled.
For eight months, this beautiful thoroughbred beat the odds and fought for his life. There's something inspirational in his story, and if animals can be heroes, he certainly was to me.
While I'm sad to say goodbye to this champion, I'm relieved that his suffering has come to an end; it must have been such a painful decision for his owners and caretakers to reach. I hope they can always remember him as in the photo above, enjoying the roses he ran for, and won.
Goodbye, and good night, Barbaro.
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